Wambui Wamunyu Annotations

How are people and organizations sharing information and knowledge about COVID-19? What boundaries (e.g. urban/rural; national; language) are being crossed or further fortified due to these information flows?

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - 4:38am

Kenya's Ministry of Health has been at the centre of providing information related to the COVID-19 pandemic including a series of infographics posted on its website. Daily pronouncements related to the illness are presented by a senior official at an afternoon press conference outside Ministry headquarters in Nairobi to a waiting press corps. The officials are typically the Cabinet Secretary, the Chief Administrative Secretary (of which there are two in the ministry of health, while other ministries have one), and the Health Director-General. The president has also communicated periodically while announcing a significant event e.g. introduction/removal of curfews, imposing/lifting limitations of movement between counties. 

Other than ad-hoc off-the-cuff comments/responses to questions in Kiswahili, the government's sharing of COVID-19 information on its own officially platforms has typically been in English, and from Nairobi. It raises the question as to how effectively the information reaches most Kenyans (who are based in rural areas and speak a variety of languages other than English).

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