Wambui Wamunyu Annotations

How are people and organizations sharing information and knowledge about COVID-19? What boundaries (e.g. urban/rural; national; language) are being crossed or further fortified due to these information flows?

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - 4:57am

Kenya's Ministry of Health has been the starting source of much of the COVID-19 information on various platforms, including this website. The English-language site carries a variety of useful information including daily number of infections recorded globally and in Kenya, links to press releases and multimedia information (e.g. videos), updates on the ministry's work countrywide in relation to the pandemic, etc. The communication approach used presumes an audience that speaks English and has Internet access.

How the information is communicated and availed (on a website, in English, and in piecemeal form) reveals a top-down approach to communication - from a faceless authority figure to an assumed (faceless) audience that speaks English and has Internet access.


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