AO. Lack of diversity of software to support qual data

AO: We didn’t have enough representation from the technical experts. Perhaps this reflects in some way the focus of much of the tech community in Nairobi on money making ventures or “social good” that doesn’t necessarily touch on more academic/digital humanities things. It was great to have Chao, Flora, Sylvia representing the digital humanities side. Phares Kariuki: “the technical capacity is here.” Perhaps at the level of internet and expertise. But I am not sure at the level of software innovation we have enough diversity of products and innovation happening; the IDRC uses Microsoft Sharepoint; Eider Africa uses Google suite; government officials (and most everyone) uses gmail and google suite. UoN and someone else mentioned using Dspace for their repositories - this is the most common software used. We don't seem to have enough options for the storage of qualitative data - hence people's interest and use of PECE.


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