Moments in Nairobi (Tech) Landscape

This timeline essay tracks shifts and changes in emergent discourses in/from/about Nairobi through events, news, and other happenings. While it began with a focus on the technology sector, given the wide scope of the dissertation project, I also have included important dates from multiple Kenyan histories. 

This is meant to provide a sense of the swirl of events that have transpired that somehow influence(d) Kenyan research and technology development. This is not meant as a comprehensive history but as a curated history. Sources vary and I have tried to include a reference or link where I can but for those that have no sources listed, they may either be from my own personal memory or other informants' memories.

This timeline in text includes additional dates and is another way to engage with this content. The temporal context laid out in this timeline is the stage for the investigation written up in this dissertation thesis.


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Created date

September 1, 2020

Cite as

Angela Okune. 1 September 2020, "Moments in Nairobi (Tech) Landscape", Research Data Share, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 9 June 2021, accessed 13 March 2025.