AO. Despite stating their desire to be anonymous, participant #KPKMU09 wrote out their whole name in a legible format on the consent form. (I had given verbal directions to those who wished to be...Read more
Angela Okune: These two quotes from the discussion describe the pressure for African academics to be "seen to be competing internationally" (Oniang'o) and the resulting expectations...Read more
AO: This article proposes that Nairobi's nickname of "Silicon Savanna" stems from "Kenya's love for IT." The author then goes on to suggest that the moniker "neatly...Read more
AO: The article explains (see excerpt below) that the Government of Kenya (GoK) demonstrated its tangible support of the Internet when it decided to lay down its...Read more
Transcript from one-on-one interview
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
10:16 AM – 11:44 AM
Location: Research office of interlocutor (Nairobi, Kenya)
Participant: Non-Kenyan woman with kinship ties to the...Read more
AO: Data Protection Law that just passed was a big one and ties closely to GDPR. Phares Kariuki mentioned “GDPR biases towards big companies that have the capacity to comply. Even...Read more
Discussion on Open Access in Africa
March 31, 2020
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Nairobi
Participants (listed alphabetically):
In this transcribed excerpt below, Wambui contrasts the "loose" organizational style of the Working Group with the more rigid and pre-determined system that she is used to ("research should be...Read more
This was originally published in Zenodo to supplement a blog post I authored for LSE in May 2019. However, I was...Read more