AO: Wambui notes that the language used on the sign on the door of a butchery seems to indicate suspicion..."COVID-19 suspects" but I also wonder if the sign-maker might have twisted the usual...Read more
This image is of public protests against government corruption related to COVID-19 protective equipment. These critiques emerged prior to the April 2021 public criticism of the government...Read more
AO: Wangari shared this on our group whatsapp and I had also been shared it earlier; it appears to be circulating widely on Kenyan social media networks. I find it important to include as it highlights many of the broader structural and historical issues that have affected vaccine production and...Read more
WW: The continued spread of the Corona Virus is documented daily in Kenya's news media. In this article, the reliance on an anonymous source to expose the disease having infected individuals within a government ministry reveals how sensitivitely such information is treated. The same article...Read more
WW: I first saw the image circulated on a Whatsapp group then found the source on a page off the Mathare Social Justice Centre website. I have found the communication around COVID-19 in Kenya has tended to be one-way, usually central government to the people. But this is a citizen-generated...Read more
SM: This article discusses the rise of domestic violence against women in Kenyan homes due to COVID-19 lockdown measures.Read more