data sharing

BBSRC data sharing policy

AO: BBSRC is part of UK Research and Innovation and this document outlines their data sharing policy for bioscience data.
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Taylor and Francis data sharing policies

AO: This page outlines why Taylor and Francis believe data sharing is important and includes links to their range of data sharing policies.Read more

American Psychological Association Data Sharing Principles

AO: This document outlines data sharing principles determined by an APA working group from 2014-2015.Read more

SPARC Research Data Sharing Policy Initiative

AO: This webpage links to both Data Sharing Policy Principles of various organizations and also Research Funder Data Sharing Policies.Read more

US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Data Sharing Policy

AO: This was an email announcement sent to me by my university about the US National Institute of Mental Health's new data sharing policy. More information on the repository is...Read more

AO. Using data in unintended ways beyond the scope of collection.

AO: This interlocutor raised the following challenges/risks of data sharing:

- Who is responsible/has the mandate/time to do the labor required to surface the...Read more

AO. Inspiration and improved research design.

AO: This interlocutor raised the following perceived benefits of sharing:

- Internal knowledge management (being able to make sure those in the organization can access each others...Read more

AO. Data needed to meaningful build on earlier research work

AO: Here the interlocutor describes a project where having the data available to look at (rather than just the final output) would have been particularly helpful. She also describes how...Read more

Sharing Data on RDS: Tactics

Sharing Data on RDS: Tactics

Below are probing questions sets organized by stakeholder group to figure out where / why you may want to use this RDS platform. Reach out to aokune[at]uci[dot]edu once you have a better sense of what and why you might want to use RDS for...Read more

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