
Mawazo Institute. 2020. “Survey Findings on the Impact of COVID-19 on Africa’s Higher Education System.” Nairobi, Kenya: Mawazo Institute.

AO: This report foregrounds results from an online survey with 501 respondents conducted by Nairobi-based Mawazo Institute in April 2020.Read more

Nash, Meredith, and Brendan Churchill. ‘Caring during COVID-19: A Gendered Analysis of Australian University Responses to Managing Remote Working and Caring Responsibilities’. Feminist Frontiers, n.d.

SM: This is an important article which discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has female academics and their job security, particularly for those who are up for tenure. Much like the 'baby penalty' which haunts women at every stage of their academic career, the reorganisation of work in the coming...Read more

KE: "Democratic governance"

AO: This interviewee from Kenya equates open governance with democratic governance. She mentioned that the Open Government Partnership has been important to help enable a space where people who...Read more

Mapping the Pandemic in Africa , Gendered consideration

Mapping the Corona virus pandemic in Africa in real time is quite innovative.

In terms of gender, beyond sex disaggregation of infections,  such tools can be adapted to reveal real time data...Read more

Donadio, Rachel. ‘The Coming Setback for Women in the Workplace’. Accessed 7 August 2020.

SM: This article is a longer exposition on the coming setback for women in the workplace because of COVID-19. I find it particularly interesting because it warns that the pandemic runs the risk of reversing decades of progress of equality in the workplace.Read more

Brandusescu, A, and N Nwakanma. 2018. “Is Open Data Working for Women in Africa?” World Wide Web Foundation.

AO: This 2018 report highlights the "gender gap" in Open Data and is perhaps illustrative of the growing push to recognize the margins created within "Open Data". While doing fieldwork in 2019, I noticed greater investment in the notion of gender equity in/for open data (see for example...Read more

Gender and Livelihood in Kibera Nairobi

Article explores the effect of the pandemic on the livehoods of Kenyans in Kibera and exposes the problematic gender blind , decontextualised conceptualisation of  social protection during the...Read more

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