
Transcript: 191029_001 Being Researched in Kibera

Transcript from Focus Group Discussion

October 29, 2019

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Location: Social Hall in Kibera

Participants: 3 men and 2 women who reside in Kibera and have regularly participated (as both subjects and also enumerators) in various research projects; 1...Read more

Research Data Share Survey Results - Nov 2020

The Research Data KE Working Group invited practitioners and scholars from all walks of life to participate in a 15-minute survey to better understand the issues of concern for Nairobi scholars regarding research data. The survey was made public for about a month from October through early...Read more


Transcript from one-on-one interview

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

10:16 AM – 11:44 AM

Location: Research office of interlocutor (Nairobi, Kenya)

Participant: Non-Kenyan woman with kinship ties to the...Read more

Gathara, Patrick. 2020. “Why Colonial-Era Edicts Will Not Defeat the Coronavirus in Kenya.” The Elephant, March 23, 2020.

AO: This artifact was shared with the Research Data KE Working Group (via whatsapp) on Monday March 23, 2020. It is an article in The Elephant authored by Patrick Gathara.Read more

Egerton University Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development

AO: This is the published data policy for Egerton University's Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development.Read more

COVID-19 Recommendations from the People of Mathare

WW: I first saw the image circulated on a Whatsapp group then found the source on a page off the Mathare Social Justice Centre website. I have found the communication around COVID-19 in Kenya has tended to be one-way, usually central government to the people. But this is a citizen-generated...Read more

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