Kim asked the group: "What do you worry about related to open data in Kenya... Tell me a little bit about what would be a disappointing result, 10 years from now with open data...Read more
I mentioned, that despite a continued need articulated by Wambui, Hawi and Wangari earlier in the conversation for greater citizen engagement around data, it's ironic because ...Read more
AO: This 2016 paper is relevant in that it looks at the intersection between Open Data and the digital humanities/cultural heritage worlds. The authors describe two cases which make visible the inherent conflicts that arise when existing conceptions of openness and democratic cultural heritage...Read more
AO. Despite stating their desire to be anonymous, participant #KPKMU09 wrote out their whole name in a legible format on the consent form. (I had given verbal directions to those who wished to be...Read more
AO: This 2018 report highlights the "gender gap" in Open Data and is perhaps illustrative of the growing push to recognize the margins created within "Open Data". While doing fieldwork in 2019, I noticed greater investment in the notion of gender equity in/for open data (see for example...Read more
AO: The excerpt from the article below highlights Bitange's announcement about the Kenya Open Data initiative at Pivot 25 which took place in 2011. The article quotes him as saying: "All the data...Read more
AO: I facilitated an internal org group discussion around the kinds of terms that staff felt an organizational data sharing policy should include. This is the guide that was used for the discussion.Read more