Discussion on Open Access in Africa
March 31, 2020
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Nairobi
Participants (listed alphabetically):
This is the editor reviewed version of the article which has been published in final form at Development and Change Journal (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dech.12632).
This article may be used for...Read more
Kate Meagher: An important clarifying point to raise about the current Plan S is that while it pushes for making journals open access, it is based on an author-pay article processing charge (APC)...Read more
AO: Eve emphasizes the "importance of publishing for development" (29:31) and “the power of a version of publishing which is about development issues, rather than about promotions and...Read more
2019 CODESRIA/ASAA pre-conference publishing workshop fieldnote excerpts
...Read more
Angela Okune: In this collective letter, they point to the fact that journals published by university presses, especially those in the humanities have a modest margin, if that, and often simply...Read more
AO: The managing editor of the International African Institute shared this letter with me, which was written in February 2019 by a collective of subject associations, learned societies, editors of academic journals in African Studies and editors of other disciplinary journals with...Read more