
Odhiambo, Agnes. ‘Tackling Kenya’s Domestic Violence Amid COVID-19 Crisis’, 8 April 2020.

SM: This article discusses the rise of domestic violence against women in Kenyan homes due to COVID-19 lockdown measures.Read more

Minor, Maria. ‘Covid-19’s Impact On Women’s Mental Health’.

SM: This article sets out to explain the mental strain that the COVID-19 pandemic is exerting on women across the world. Read more

Nash, Meredith, and Brendan Churchill. ‘Caring during COVID-19: A Gendered Analysis of Australian University Responses to Managing Remote Working and Caring Responsibilities’. Feminist Frontiers, n.d.

SM: This is an important article which discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has female academics and their job security, particularly for those who are up for tenure. Much like the 'baby penalty' which haunts women at every stage of their academic career, the reorganisation of work in the coming...Read more

Donadio, Rachel. ‘The Coming Setback for Women in the Workplace’. Accessed 7 August 2020.

SM: This article is a longer exposition on the coming setback for women in the workplace because of COVID-19. I find it particularly interesting because it warns that the pandemic runs the risk of reversing decades of progress of equality in the workplace.Read more

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