AO. Using data in unintended ways beyond the scope of collection.

AO: This interlocutor raised the following challenges/risks of data sharing:

- Who is responsible/has the mandate/time to do the labor required to surface the information (e.g. make a summary page with various links to different data points/resources; add the context to the data that was collected; sort through data request emails and approve/disprove; etc.)

- Uncertainty about what the client is okay with in terms of sharing because this is not an explicit part of the client contracting. The person writing report/working on the data may not be the person directly liaising with the client.

- How much data context is needed - naming all the people who helped make the data? How they were trained, etc. Etc. It could quickly get very overwhelming.

- How easy is it to download the data and get into the wrong hands; how easy to manipulate it and use it in ways that were not intended?

- Plagiarizing of data - not acknowledging source.


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