Mureithi, F. (2020). Top milk processor increases producer prices. Daily Nation.

TM: During times of darkness like the COVID 19 pandemic time presents opportunities for stars to shine quite bright. None know this more than coroprates who companies like Brookside Dairy have rosen to the occassion and have shown social solidarity to the stakeholders. This by not only...Read more

Worldometer as Data Source for "Africa"

AO: There is very little transparency on this site about the sources for this data. The only section where I was able to find links to a source (other than the Google data) was the second data...Read more

Ujamaa Center. 2020. β€œ#ProPoorCoronaResponse,” March 22, 2020.

AO: This twitter thread was shared on March 22, 2020 by Hawi Rapudo through the Research Data KE Working Group whatsapp group. It outlines what "#ProPoorCoronaResponse" to #coronainkenya would be.Read more

Kimari, Wangui. 2020. β€œThe People vs 4G Internet and Other Corona Stories from Kenya.” Africa Is a Country (blog). March 30, 2020.

AO: This artifact was shared with the Research Data KE Working Group (via whatsapp) on Saturday April 4, 2020. It is an article in Africa is a Country authored by Wangui Kimari.Read more

Mbugua, N. (2020). Poll: Corona effects on food, jobs biggest issues. Business Daily.

TM: According to the latest Infotrak Survey Kenyans biggest worrying issue at the time is food. This is as a result of the negative cyclic wave the pandemic has caused to Kenyans with shutting down of jobs means lay offs, reduced pay and others complete lack of it therein. Others even go as far...Read more

Corporate research responses

AO: In addition to this infographic by IDEO (who is the target audience for this infographic?), I have also observed several corporate research companies figuring out how to spin their ongoing and...Read more

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